Meet The Pugs
After all, they're the inspiration!
And they pose so well for photos.
The first rule of Party Pugs - Always mug for the camera.
Oscar is our dignified pug.
He's so very serious. But that doesn't stop him from having a good time.
Then there's Molly.
100% princess...
100% of the time. She is the embodiment of Pug Royalty in every way.
Conversely, the embodiment of Pug Shenanigans is Bentley.
Have you ever seen such a goofball?
There they are, the reason behind this site's url. Beloved and adored...
The Party Pugs.
Join them as they take you on a tour of some of the most fun parties across the internet, shared by great friends, readers and party planner extraordinaires.
* Pug photographs featured here and throughout the site
courtesy of the fabulous Photography by A Dennette,
serving the Jacksonville and NE Florida areas;
Not for reproduction or distribution *
Not for reproduction or distribution *